Friday, 14 February 2025

Key Note Speaker at the Academy of Careers and Technology

Rita  Verreos By Rita Verreos | June 28, 2012 | United States

Add captionLast year, it was my pleasure and honor to be invited as a Guest Speaker at the Academy of Careers and Technology: I was so surprised and grateful that this year, Mr. Earl Bullock asked me to be the Key Note Speaker during their Award and Honors end of year Ceremony. I was able to share with these very intelligent and attentive students the importance of continuing wiht a Higher level of education and how having attended UCBerkeley and UCLA and graduating with a Magna Cum Laude degree continues to open doors for me, including my spot on CBS's Reality Show, SURVIVOR FIJI. After a 1/2 hour speech, which, unfortunately, when I transefered the video from my Iphone to my computer, the video somehow got erased:(( Too bad because I had spilled some "behind the scenes" SURIVOR FIJI secrets on there! Above are some images at the "Meet & Greet" they set up for me after the Awards Ceremony. I was very impressed & grateful with how attentive and the respectful attention these students gave me. No doubt these students are a group of true Survivors!

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Last year, it was my pleasure and honor to be invited as a Guest Speaker at the Academy of Careers and Technology:  I was so surprised and grateful that this year, Mr. Earl Bullock asked me to be the Key Note Speaker during their Award and Honors end of year Ceremony.  I was able to share with these very intelligent and attentive students the importance of continuing wiht a Higher level of education and how  having attended UCBerkeley and UCLA and graduating with a Magna Cum Laude degree continues to open doors for me, including my spot on CBS's Reality Show, SURVIVOR FIJI.  After a 1/2 hour speech, which, unfortunately, when I transefered the video from my Iphone to my computer, the video somehow got erased:((   Too bad because I had spilled some "behind the scenes" SURIVOR FIJI secrets on there!  Above are some images at the "Meet & Greet" they set up for me after the Awards Ceremony. I was very impressed & grateful with how attentive and the respectful attention these students gave me. No doubt these students are a group of true Survivors!

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