martedì, 22 ottobre 2024

Lapitec, a material to safeguard health

EDITOR IN CHIEF By EDITOR IN CHIEF | maggio 23, 2020 | United States

Lapitec is naturally an extremely hygienic material, ideal for architectural and interior projects, due to its patented composition.

The ongoing public health emergency is laying the groundwork for a new future ona global scale, and entire supply chains have had to undergo urgent reorganisation.

The design world is no exception, where redistribution and segmentation of spaces,hygiene,safety, and management of flows of people will be priorities in the comingperiod.

Among the many topics under the spotlight is how the choice of materials inarchitecture and interior and product design can open the door to innovativesolutions, capableof ensuring people's safety and high standards of performanceat the same time.Lapitec, a mixture of 100% natural minerals manufactured in large slabs, is an idealcovering material for current requirements, due to its non-porous surface whichprevents dirt from accumulating and mould and bacteria from growing. Itspatented production process, and its environmentally friendly composition, givethe slabs excellent hygiene properties.

Besides being easy to clean, Lapitec is afluid-repellent material: a surface on which liquids flow, a particularly interestingfeature in vertical cladding where the rain flows away and carries dirt with it.Its composition does not contain resins or petroleum derivatives, so that it doesnot contaminate the water used in manufacturing.

The collection range alsocontains very low percentages of crystalline silica (quartz), while in the new Musacollection this percentage is zero, making this a safe material with regard to thehealth of the people that process it.Lapitec is durable (resistant to environmental conditions, the ravages of time, andextreme temperatures), chemical-resistant, fully recyclable and can be used ininteriors and exteriors, vertical cladding and horizontal surfaces, such as flooring,covering, swimming pools, showers or saunas, or for the creation of householdaccessories and kitchen tops.

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